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Horry County on 7-1-01

Hi Carolinabirders,
	Today, Gary Phillips, Paul Rogers and I birded at Punchpole Landing Road
in southern Horry County, SC. We birded from 8:30 till about 12 noon.  We
dropped Gary off then to do some work and then Paul and I went to Bucksport
for some birding and butterflying there for an hour +. We got our target bird.
	A total of 48 species. First number Punchpole Rd, second number Bucksport.

Great Blue Heron-1-1
Great Egret-2-1
Cattle Egret-1-11
Green Heron-1-0
Turkey Vulture-2-1
Swallow-tailed Kite-0-3
Red-shouldered Hawk-1-0
Red-tailed Hawk-2-0
Mourning Dove-6-1
Yellow-billed Cuckoo-2-1
Barred Owl-1-0 heard only
Chimney Swift-2-0
Red-bellied Woodpecker-4-1
Downy Woodpecker-3-0
Pileated Woodpecker-1-0
Acadian Flycatcher-2-0
Purple Martin-4-4
Barn Swallow-0-5
Blue Jay-3-1
Am. Crow-1-0
Fish Crow-6-0
Carolina Chickadee-6-0
Tufted Titmouse-6-0
Brown-headed Nuthatch-1-0
Carolina Wren-10-0 several family groups
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher-6-0
Wood Thrush-2-0 heard only
Am. Robin-1-0 actualy within the city limits of Canway
Gray Catbird-1-0
N. Mockingbird-0-4
Brown Thrasher-1-0
Eur. Starling-0-10
White-eyed Vireo-6-0
Yellow-throated Vireo-1-0
N. Parula-4-1
Pine Warbler-1-0
Prothonotary Warler-2-0 heard only
Worm-eating Warbler-2-0 
Swainson's Warbler-3-0 heard only
Kentucky Warbler-2-0 heard only
Hooded Warbler-1-0
Summer Tanager-3-0
N. Cardinal-10-2
Blue Grosbeak-1-0 heard only
Indigo Bunting-3 on way back to Conway-2 at Bucksport
E. Towhee-2-0
Common Grackle-2-0
Brown-headed Cowbird-4-41 all in one flock on the sod farm. I asked Gary
last week if he knew of a recipe for Cowbird.  He said he doen't have it
completed but it will start "first you make a roux ..."

Excellent birding, excellent company.

I was able to capture a still photo of the tanager and kite. If you would
like me to send it to you as an e-mail atachment.  Reply 


Jack Peachey
Conway, SC