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Re: Whips and hummers

Could this be evidence of double broods in RTHU's in the Carolinas?  Seems
awfully late for a first brood even if the initial set of eggs were
unsuccessful.  As circumstantial evidence we have noted the second seasonal
increase in hummers in the yard.  We usually get a big surge in feeder
visits around 1 June, assumably when the first batch of youngsters is out
and about, then a second surge around 1 July.  We had 5 at once at the back
feeder yesterday.  Incidentally, I saw my first gliding hummer last week.
Two birds spiraled up to an altitude of about 2 light posts (the nearest
convenient item to judge height by) clashing bills the whole way.  They
broke off and one of the two birds glided back to ground level on set,
non-moving wings.  The second bird egressed the area on rapidly beating

Have a great week!
Steve Shultz
Cary, NC

Carleton Wood <egardens@inteliport.com>@acpub.duke.edu on 07/14/2001
04:40:13 PM

Sent by:  carolinabirds-owner@acpub.duke.edu

To:   carolinabirds@duke.edu
Subject:  Whips and hummers

     A small group from the North Banks Bird Club went out on the Alligator
River Refuge thursday evening (much to the delight of swarms of biting
flies) to look for the Short-eared Owls. There was a N. Harrier (or two)
present and lots of Bobwhites (and one bear), but we did not see any owls.
We ran over to Navy Shell road to see if the Whip-poor-wills were present
this year and did manage to hear one in spite of the very noisy jets "doing
their thing" at the very nearby bombing range.
     Also, I am fortunate to have a hummingbird nest in my front yard this
(very near one of my feeders). At present she has laid eggs but they have
not hatched.
     Jeff Lewis
     Manteo, NC

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