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HBSP on 8-26

Hi Carolinabirders,
	This morning from 8:00AM to 2:00PM Paul Rogers and I covered much of the
non-beach areas of Huntington Beach S.P., Murrells Inlet, Georgetown
County, SC.  Areas covered were: the causeway, carriage path, old entrance
road, long marsh boardwalk, Kerrigan trail and the beginning part of the
sandpiper trail.  All told 49 species were id'd. Pleasant day with lots of
sunshine and cooler temperatures because of being at the coast. 8 butterfly
species were also id'd.
Here goes:
Double-crested Cormorant-2
Great Blue Heron-2
Great Egret-3
Snowy Egret-5
Little Blue Heron-2
Tricolored Heron-2
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron-6 all immatures
White Ibis-5 all adults
Wood Stork-15
Turkey Vulture-2
Red-shouldered Hawk-3 one was way up and migrating generally southeast
following the coast.  My understanding is that these coastal migrants are
undoubtedly south of the capital district breeders.
Clapper Rail-4
Black-bellied Plover-3
Semipalmated Plover-16 no juveniles noticed
Lesser Yellowlegs-1 juvenile
Willet-3 one probably a western adult
Spotted Sandpiper-1 non-breeding adult
Semipalmated Sandpiper-4 all looked like molting adults
Western Sandpiper-1 juvenile bright rufous edging to upper scapulars plain
unstreaked breast, longer bill than above species.
Laughing Gull-3
Forster's Tern-3
Mourning Dove-7
Hummingbird sp-1 flyby. I guess this is about the time we should not assume
that every Hummer seen is a Ruby-throated.
Belted Kingfisher-1
Red-headed Woodpecker-1 juvenile
Red-bellied Woodpecker-2
Downy Woodpecker-1 heard only
Great Crested Flycatcher-1
Barn Swallow-6
Blue Jay-1
Am. Crow-5 called
Carolina Chickadee-8
Tufted Titmouse-9
Carolina Wren-4 heard only
Gray Catbird-1
N. Mockingbird-3
Brown Thrasher-1
Eur. Starling-1
White-eyed Vireo-2
Red-eyed Vireo-1
Pine Warbler-1 heard only
SWAINSON'S WARBLER-1 not on HBSP list for summer or fall
N. Cardinal-13
Seaside Sparrow-35+ all over the marsh and causeway when we first arrived
which is typical for late August & Sept.
Red-winged Blackbird-1 heard only
House Finch-2

I had been away for about a month which included a vacation in the British
Isles which was a cultural trip. (What another bloody castle?)  However I
had a number of birds which I didn't know but I did take notes on.  I'll
check with Pete Worthington and see if we can figure out what I saw.
Good Birding and good compangy


Jack Peachey
Conway, SC