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Colleton County NAMC preliminary and heads up for warblers tomorrow!

Heartfelt thanks go out to Susan & Tuck of Walterboro, Van Atkins, Liz
Smylie and Mike Aldenderfer for participating today! It was a great day -
with both spectacular birding and delightful company!

All last week, I watched the weather knowing that a cold front colliding
with a tropical storm was going to result in a fallout somewhere on the SC
coast, some time over the weekend. It must have been our turn. I am too
tired to finish going through my count tape tonight, but my group saw 12
species of warbler, despite the challenges of birding in a heavy wind. At
Donnelley, in the morning, there were many times Mike & I wished we had more
eyes watching. The warblers were dropping in so fast that we simply could
not identify and count them all before they passed through! I will actually
have to include a "warbler species" tally for the ones that got away. When I
say that birding down here in the ACE Basin cannot be beat, I am not
exaggerating! :)

I will post complete results some time tomorrow, but just had to say *heads
up, birders!* I think that the trend might continue tomorrow!

Most of this morning's warblers were seen in low scrub, within 4 feet of the
ground. As usual, Carolina Chickadees obligingly announced their location
with much fussing. All we had to do was stay in the hot spots and wait.

This afternoon, Liz & I stood under a row of scrubby salt cedars just off
the south end of the beach as warblers literally blew into the greenery over
our heads, often not only too close for my binoculars to focus, but too
close for my presbyopic eyes! In over 30 years of birding, I cannot recall
having to *back up* to see a warbler clearly before today!

Heads up tomorrow! :)

Sharon Brown
Adams Run, SC