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Re: Caesar's Head Hawk Watch

We get a lot of chances to experience "negative data" at the Congaree Bluff
Hawk Watch
(see http://www.columbia-audubon.org)
, but it does not matter. There is usually something interesting going on,
and the view itself is worth the trip. Sometimes birding resembles fishing.
It's great to actually catch something, but often the trip itself is enough
to keep you going back for more. I'm sure I get something good next time.

Robin Carter
Columbia, SC

----- Original Message -----
From: "Reece Mitchell" <rmitche2@tds.net>
To: "Carolina Birds" <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 2:28 PM
Subject: Caesar's Head Hawk Watch

> Even I have to give up sometime. After 4 hours today I had seen three
> migrants. Two Turkey Vultures and a Sharp-shinned. Will someone explain to
> me again that negitive data are important, too.
> Did have fun watching the local "Sharpie" try to fulsh a Flycatcher sp.
> of a tree.
>                                                     Reece
> Reece 'n Judy Mitchell
> Flat Rock, NC
> rmitche2@tds.net