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serendipitous new yard bird

Hello all,
On Saturday, I visited Huntington Beach SP near Myrtle Beach, SC - one
of my favorite birding spots! In the forested area at the end of the
carriage path, my identification skills were challenged by a
interesting-looking and blessedly-cooperative bird who gave me
long-enough looks to jot down notes. After it flew, I checked my Nat'l
Geo and finally found a splendid picture of "my" immature rose-breasted

The serendipitous part -
Yesterday, working at home on an upcoming presentation, I noticed a bird
perched on the suet cake, and sure enough, it was an immature grosbeak.
I got a pretty good look, but it flew right after I saw it, and had I
not had the time to study the one at HBSP, I wouldn't have had the i.d.
for this "yard lifer."

There were hundreds of tree swallows at HBSP and a large flock of wood
storks decorated the sky many times in their gorgeous black/white
plumage. Clapper rails walked out in clear view on several occasions.
Got a few warblers, but it was quite windy, so seeing the little guys
was tough. Enjoyed meeting some other birders and just being outside for
6 hours was divine.

Carol Williamson
Durham, NC