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Vesper Sparrow, Wilson's Warbler

	Brad Carlson and I enjoyed a good day's birding saturday on the outer banks
in spite of (perhaps thanks to?) a very strong north wind. We birded
Roanoke, Pea, and Bodie Islands with most of our action coming on Roanoke.
We ended up with 16 species of warblers including WILSON'S, Blackpoll,
Black-throated Blue, Black-throated Green, Magnolia, Cape May, Ovenbird and
Hooded Warblers. We also picked up a Veery in the Elizabethan Gardens, a
couple of Red-breasted Nuthatches and Golden-crowned Kinglets in the Bodie
woods and a VESPER SPARROW on the north dike at Pea Island!
	Jeff Lewis - Manteo