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Western grebe at Falls Lake

I dropped by to check out the western grebe this lunchtime @ 1pm- 
2.15pm: it was still there in the same area as previously reported, 
between Rolling View and Sanderling. It was accompanied by 5 horned 
grebes, nice for size and color comparison: this is a BIG grebe! It 
was close enough that even with heat haze (even at 50F) I could make 
out its bill color, but not so close that I could see the color of 
the patch in front of the eye. Also present were 2 ring-necked ducks, 
a flotilla of coots, Bonaparte's and ring-billed gulls and a common 
loon. At the swimming beach (where I checked first) were killdeer, 2 
DC cormorants, 6 horned grebes, a pied-billed grebe, several GB 
herons, some very small ducks way off in the distance (teal?) and 
many many coots or dark ducks.

 From Joshua Rose's report, I'm glad I picked the grebe over the 
pelican: luck rarely breaks my way in these 50:50 decisions!

Best bird of the fall so far. Thanks to Ricky Davis, Julia Shields 
and Marsha Stephens for their keen eyes and timely initial reports.

Steve Perry

Receptor Biology Lab, Duke Uni Med Center, Durham, NC
