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Sandhill Cranes in NE NC

Yerterday, 01/14/02, I saw two Sandhill Cranes in the field behind my house
borders a pond. I'm certain that these birds were Sandhills as I drove out
in the field to get a closer look, leaving my car and walking on foot with
my 13 yr. old son. For us this was a first for seeing them in the area. I
have contacted the authorities of this rare-bird sighting. They remained in
field all day long as I spotted them around 9 AM and they were still here
around 4:30 PM.

I was hoping that they might decide to hang aroound for a few days but have
not seen any signs of them today.

The week we had snow we also saw an Oregon Junco at one of our feeders.

Edenton, NE North Carolina