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Horry Cty birding

Hi Carolinabirders,
	Late this morning I escaped from the "honey do list" for some birding in
Horry County. 47 species seen, best birds in caps. First column-Hardwick
Road, second column-Conway Sewage Pond and New Road.

Great Blue Heron-0-2
Great Egret-0-3
Ring-necked Duck-0-45
Lesser Scaup-0-15
Turkey Vulture-4-1
Sharp-shinned Hawk-1-heard only
Am. Kestrel-1-0
Least Sandpiper-0-40
Common Snipe-0-4
Bonaparte's Gull-0-30
Ring-billed Gull-0-1
Mourning Dove-4-0
Belted Kingfisher-0-1
Red-headed Woodpecker-0-1
Red-bellied Woodpecker-1-2
Downy Woodpecker-1-0
Pileated Woodpecker-0-heard only
E. Phoebe-1-5
HORNED LARK-2-0 seen in good light as they flew by my car
Am Crow-1-0
Carolina Chickadee-2-4
Tufted Titmouse-0-heard only
Ruby-crowned Kinglet-0-4
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher-0-3
E. Bluebird-12-0
Gray Catbird-heard only-0
N. Mockingbird-1-2
Brown Thrasher-0-1
Eur. Starling-5-0
Yellow-rumped Warbler-5-8
Pine Warbler-2 heard only-1 heard only
Palm Warbler-0-4
Common Yellowthroat-0-3
N. Cardinal-1-1
E. Towhee-2-0
Chipping Sparrow-40-2
CLAY COLORED SPARROW-0-1 A good clear look for 10 seconds as it perched on
cattails at the sewage ponds among a number of swamp sparrow. Though the
rump could not be seen because they were hidden by the primaries the
following salient features were seen, "sparrow shaped bill, streaked crown,
bolder face pattern than chipping sparrow namely a wide buffy supercillium
and a brown triangular auricular patch bordered by a black line back of the
eye and a distinct black border on the other sides, buffy malar stripe,
gray side of neck and nape, plain whitish breast not dingy gray distinct
broad orangy buff flanks, wing coverts pale tawny brown. The tail length
was medium length and not rounded.   
Savannah Sparrow-3-0
Song Sparrow-1-2
Swamp Sparrow-0-20
Red-winged Blackbird-1-2
E. Meadowlark-4
Am Goldfinch-heard only-0

Good birding,

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC