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Re: Snowy Owl


>From my experience with birds descriptions most birdwatchers (including me)
usually a bit oversize wingspan (or body length) especially if see birds from
very short distance. If we consider the wingspan of that owl as it was
mentioned "the wing span was magnificent... thirty five to forty inches", we
are most probably talking about a bird of wingspan no more than 40 inches (no
more than 100 cm).  The snowy owl is very large bird with wingspan around 52
inches (132 cm)(Sibley 2001) or 56-65 inches (142-166 cm)(Jonsson 1992). Means
12 to 25 inches (30-63 cm)  or 30 to 62% more than mentioned in the
description! So, I would agree that was a big bird,  very whitish appearance
(at night in artificial light all colors are much more whitish and brighter,
seen on black background of the night) with some barring and size of
Red-tailed Hawk. It could be white phase of hawk or extremely light individual
of barred owl (most probably in that case).
In POlish Rarities Committee we had many description of big, white owls which
we didn't accept because of short and not precisely description. Very
important feature of close seen Snowy Owl are its eyes, yellow-orange in that
case there nothing about it.
So, I suggest that it wasn't Snowy Owl, the bird was far too small for that


Rob G wrote:

> J. Partrick wrote:
> >I saw a Snowy Owl last night about 10 O'Clock in Chapel Hill.  It was >in
> >the middle of the road in Summerfield Crossing where my wife and I
> > >approached it (Male ?, Female ?) within fifteen feet....
>   uhhhh, let's see... it's not April 1st??? Ivorybills, I believe in,
> but Snowys in Chapel Hill! -- I'm pretty skeptical (partial albino
> Barred???).
>   Anyway, dying to hear of any follow-up to this report,
> and if by remote chance there is any confirmation PLLLEAZE call
> me immediately at work (942-0021) with info -- work just down
> road from Summerfield and, with or without confirmation, will
> probably take a drive-by on Tue. lunch hour.
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Rob Gluck
> Chapel Hill
> thrush@hotmail.com
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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