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Re: Snowy Owl

Dear Snowy Owl searchers,

The tameness and location of this putative
Snowy reminds me very much of the Snowy
many of us saw in suburban Columbia, Sc about 15 years ago. It sat on
telephone poles and was
videotaped taking mice offered on the ground,
was very approachable. It seems the lack
of wariness may indicate it's wilderness
Steve Compton

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jerry Partrick" <partrick@intrex.net>
To: <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 8:04 AM
Subject: Snowy Owl

> List members,
> I did not see the Owl last night or this morning on my walk.  However,
> I was on my walk this morning, I spoke with a young person I see often on
> walks.  I asked them had they seen a large white owl recently and they
> they had been seeing such a bird for the last several weeks in Foxcroft.
> They also said it acted almost tame, perching on a fence, standing in the
> road.
> I won't post again until I hear or see of something positive..
> Glad to be of help... Jerry