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Re: Carolina Wrens bunking together

We have twoCarolina Wrens "bunking" in a hanging plant which we leave up for
that purpose. This has happened several winters in a row. We believe this is
a male and female because wrens(same two?) nest in the same plant each
                                           Reece Mitchell
                                           Flat Rock, NC
----- Original Message -----
From: "Randy Emmitt" <birdcr@concentric.net>
To: "Travis, Ginger" <Ginger@athena.dev.unc.edu>; <Carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Cc: "Frazier, Diane" <Dianef@athena.dev.unc.edu>
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 9:32 AM
Subject: Re: Carolina Wrens bunking together

> Folks,
> For two years now maybe three I have had at least 3 Carolina Wrens bunking
> under my eaves tucked in under a big expired wasp nest about the size of a
> large fist. Whenever I come in after dark during cold weather I can hear
> them rustling around due to my presence.
> Randy Emmitt
> Durham, NC
> www.rlephoto.com
> At 08:59 AM 2/14/02 -0500, Travis, Ginger wrote:
> >         My coworker Diane Frazier has a Williamsburg bird bottle (glazed
> >clay wide-mouthed bottle hung horizontally) on her front porch for
> >wrens. This winter she has repeatedly seen several wrens emerging from
> >bottle early in the morning. Yesterday she finally got a good enough look
> >count them as they came out:  one . . . two . . .three. . .four . . .
> >         I have read about bluebirds crowding into a cavity to roost
> >during very cold weather -- but Carolina wrens? Have others seen this?
> >         Ginger Travis
> >         Chapel Hill, N.C.