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Re: Valentine's & Bluebirds

Oops!  My sincere apologies to Bill Hilton.

I misread his earlier post; when he mentioned having boxes up by
mid-February, he was referring to *new* boxes rather than boxes that had
been removed (see below).  

Anne Lurie
NE Raleigh

> Here at Hilton Pond Center for Piedmont Natural History, some
> bluebirds have already formed pairs and are looking around for
> nesting locations. (In fact, I'm watching a pair investigating a box
> right now!) Even with this early activity, it's not too late to build
> and erect new nestboxes; in most of the Carolinas actual breeding
> won't begin to occur for six weeks or so, but it's still best to try
> to have your boxes up by mid-February.