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Re: Valentine's & Bluebirds

Well, it's definitely "Springtime for Bluebirds" here in NE Raleigh  -- 
the bluebirds started investigating my two boxes a week or so ago!

I do, however, have one question  --  and one "attraction" suggestion:

My question:  Is it necessary to take down birdhouses in the winter?  If
so, why?

My suggestion:  Although I had never seen bluebirds at a bird bath (nor
did I expect to), I was happy to see them at my "dripper" birdbath. And
I was delighted when the female stood underneath the dripper, apparently
trying to "catch" the drops of water!  In my mind, that alone is worth
having a dripper!  (More common, however, are the chickadees who perch
on top of the dripper and hang upside down to drink directly from it.)

Anne Lurie
NE Raleigh