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This list is so great... kind, considerate and all that plus being very
helpful.  I look forward to the new sightings and discussions.  It reminds
me that Spring is in the air and with that in mind... Countee Cullen has
written about Spring.... and a white gull...

To John Keats, Poet, At Springtime

I cannot hold my peace, John Keats;
There never was a spring like this;
It is an echo, that repeats
My last year's song and next year's bliss.
I know, in spite of all men say
Of Beauty, you have felt her most.
Yea, even in your grave her way
is laid.  Poor, troubled, lyric ghost,
Spring never was so fair and dear
As Beauty makes her seem this year.

  I cannot hold my peace, John Keats,
I am as helpless in the toil
Of Spring as any lamb that bleats
To feel the solid earth recoil
Beneath his puny legs.  Spring beats
her tocsin call to those who love her.
And lo! the dogwood petals cover
Her breast with drifts of snow, and sleek
White gulls fly screaming to her, and hover
About her shoulders, and kiss her cheek,
While white and purple lilacs muster
A strength that beaars them to a cluster
Of color and odor; for her sake
All things that slept are now awake.

The "White Gulls" make this a birding thread...and there's more of this
poem... It's from "Color" by Countee Cullen; 1925, Harper Bros.

Good birding this spring and always.... Jerry