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yard birds, 2-25

Hi y'all,
    Had the opportunity to work in my "home office" today, so got to see a
few of the feathered critters hanging out here. Still lotsa Chippeis,
White-throats, Juncos, a purty lil' Fox Sparrow, a dozen or so goldfinches,
and a smaller group of grackles and Red-winged blackbirds than I saw a week
or so ago. Robins and waxwings, along with a sapsucker still finding a few
berries in the hollies; pair of Downy wp's, Red-bellieds and a pair of
Carolina wrens were consistent at the suet.
    A flock of 10 Fish Crows flew over headed due north this morning. This
afternoon, a pair of Am. crows cruised thru. Saw a Sharpie make an
unsuccesful run at the feeders, and a Red-tail took in the scene from a
neighbor's pine.
    Carolina Jessamine and Coral Honeysuckle blooming madly; if there's a
hummingbird here, I doubt I'll find it a feeder. A few Salvias that have
been over-wintered in and out of the "plant cave" are blooming, as are two
different Abutilon sp. and some other non-native stuff. Not a lot, but the
bees appeared to stay busy.
    An "honorary bird" tarried a bit in the yard at lunchtime, a Spring
Azure. Very nice.
    Actually got some work done, too. Cool...


Gary Phillips
Conway, SC
Sunset Zone 31
"...where is the person, I ask, who, on observing this glittering fragment
of the rainbow, would not pause, admire, and turn his mind with
reverence..." (J. J. Audubon)