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I actually wondered whether or not birds would accept cat hair for 
nest-building. I've put out dryer lint in a suet cage (of which a large 
percentage is cat hair!), but haven't seen any takers.

Paula Mangiafico
Southern Durham, NC

--On Wednesday, March 27, 2002 2:38 PM -0500 Bev Hudson 
<BEVHUDSON@cheta.net> wrote:

> Hello Bird Lovers,
> I just have to share my delight for the day.  First of all a wild female
> turkey has been frequenting our bird area again this year and she is
> absolutely beautiful in the sunlight.  Last year she had 13 young!
> I put my Angora cat's hair in an onion mesh bag and hung it on the
> honeysuckle near the dining room window.  It is so adorable to see the
> hyper chickadees pulling hair out, filling their little beaks full and
> flying to a nearby 8' stump where they have cleaned out the hole.  In
> they go with a mouthfull and out they come to get more.  They cleaned
> alot of chips out of the hole last week.
> I always put the clean cat hair out every year even into the summer and
> the hummingbirds will come and get it.  We don't have a good way to take
> pictures or I could post some good ones.
> I'm enjoying the Spring antics of the birds and am sure you are, too.
> Bev Hudson
> Hendersonville, NC