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backroad birding improving!

The backroads I drive on to get to work are beginning to improve from a
birding perspective.  Monday, along Little Cedar Creek in northern Richland
county, I heard the season's first White-eyed and Yellow-throated Vireos. I
heard Yellow-throated Vireo again this morning at (Big) Cedar Creek in
northern Richland county.  At both creeks, Northern Parula is becoming less
difficult to find as their numbers increase with a continuing influx of
migrants.  A Black-and-white Warbler is also becoming very regular in the
creekbottom at (Big) Cedar Creek, as is a Louisiana Waterthrush.  

But this morning I had a true surprise.  On this cloudy and foggy morning,
I was quite surprised to hear a Prairie Warbler singing in a regenerating
clearcut that the species normally breeds in (or, rather, has bred in for
the past two years) near Little Cedar Creek .  According to Post &
Gauthreaux, April 8 is the early date for Prairie Warbler in the Piedmont
and my own personal records for Fairfield county put them much later into
April, usually from the 17th to the 20th.  

It was certainly a pleasant surprise on a foggy Wednesday morning!

Donna Slyce Bailey		
Winnsboro, SC

e-mail: dsbailey@conterra.com

URL:  http://www.conterra.com/dsbailey
	Where are the Birds?  Migration across South Carolina