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Lewis Ocean Bay on 4-6, WAS field trip 4-13

Hi y'all,
    Piddled with hummingbird plants this morning early, then took a ride
through Lewis Ocean Bay in anticipation of next Saturday's (4-13) Waccamaw
Audubon Society field trip. Y'all do know that all y'all are invited,
doncha? (Wow; that last sentance was from like way out in the country, ain't
it so?) Anyway, saw a few cool birds and butterflies and a cpl of neat
plants beginning to bloom the last cpl of days; Yellow Pitcher Plant, a
native crabapple, Horse Sugar,  (and I don't know the commmon name for
_Lupinus villosus_  or _Viburnum obovatum_. Apologies to those of you that
might be scientific nomenclature-ly challenged. It's just something else to

    Saw a few Wild Turkey hunters; surprisingly, no Wild Turkey was
observed. Alive or otherwise.
    Prairie, Pine (gathering nest mat'l,) Yellow-throated, Yellow-rumped,
Common Yellowthroat warblers, a lone Bachman's Sparrow, Song,
White-throated, Chipping sparrows, Chimney Swift, Great-crested Flycatcher
(first of the year for me,) most of the early-April crew.
    "Honorary birds" included Zebra, Tiger, Palamedes, a Spicebush
swallowtail(s,) Pearl Crescent, Red-banded Hairstreak, several azure sp.,
Silver-spotted Skipper, skipper sp., duskywing sp.
    And a cpl of cool odes which I won't even attempt to id, one of which I
admit I've never seen the likes of.
    I would be sorely remiss not to mention a most beautimous little male
Ruby-throat at my feeders.
    Everybody oughta have a day like this one, y'all. ;-)


Gary Phillips
Conway, SC
Sunset Zone 31
"...where is the person, I ask, who, on observing this glittering fragment
of the rainbow, would not pause, admire, and turn his mind with
reverence..." (J. J. Audubon)