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Mt. Island Lake eagle and tern

Had a good afternoon canoeing around Mt. Island Lake here near 
Charlotte. Watched a male Osprey mob a 3 or 4 yr old Bald Eagle and 
then after the eagle left, return to his nest HIGH atop a high 
tension tower where he joined his female for a reward for his bravery.

Then had a gorgeous Caspian Tern feeding in the lake. Don't remember 
hearing many mentions of this bird this far inland.

Rob Bierregaard


Rob Bierregaard


				Phones: 704 333 2405
Biology Department			704 547 3499
UNC-Charlotte			Faxes:	704 333 2404
9201 University City Blvd.		704 547 3128
Charlotte NC 28223-0001		rbierreg@email.uncc.edu
