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Brickhouse Road, 4/7/02

Hi folks,

Spent the best part of 6 hours at Brickhouse Road on Sunday: got a 
late start due to too much celebrating the night before (it's now 
official that I'm moving to San Diego in the summer to start my new 
job!), but the birding was still good. I parked at the second 
"parking lot" walked east down through the woods past the duck 
impoundments, rejoined the road at the first parking lot, then headed 
a short way down towards Beaverdam as far as the first pond, then 
drove to the gate and walked around the depot. 1pm-7pm (ahh, 
summer-time hours again!)

No particular order (h/o: heard only):

E starling 8
downy WP 2 m fighting over a dead tree
Red bellied WP 4, heard several others
Red-headed WP 3, heard several others
N Flicker 3
Wood duck 7, including 1 leaving a nest box: lots of new boxes have 
been put up this year, so expect a good showing of chicks later in 
the season
ring-billed gull 1
D-c cormorant 4, circling WAY UP high
GB heron 2
RT Hawk 3 adult, 1 imm
Barred owl 2 dueling h/o
fish crow 2 saw and heard
Am crow 2
mourning dove 4
N mocker 3
B thrasher 2
B vulture 5
Turkey vulture 3
blue jay 29 (many more heard)
E bluebird 9
Hermit thrush 2: thought 1 was gray-cheeked for a while but finally 
saw a touch of rufous in the tail: is this variability related to sex 
and/or age?
Carolina wren 1
Tufted Titmouse 14 (many more heard)
Carolina chickadee 11 (many more heard)
WHITE-EYED VIREO 2: great looks, including one devouring what looked 
like a dragonfly
ruby-crowned kinglet 6 (many more heard)
BG gnatcatcher 26 (many more heard)
N PARULA 7 all singing their hearts out!
YR warbler 29
Pine Warbler 1
C. YELLOWTHROAT 6: I left my scope on the path at one point to walk 
up the edge of a field and accidently disturbed a male CYT. I flew 
down the field and perched on the fastening bolt of one leg of my 
OVENBIRD 1 (h/o)
YT warbler 2 (h/o)
RW blackbird 1 f (many more heard)
C grackle 1f
BH cowbird 1 m
Am Goldfinch 4
WT sparrow 30+++ lost count
Chipping sp 1
Field sp 4
swamp sp 2
song sp 2
cardinal 7
E towhee 2
house finch 2 males, one typical red, one very pale orange, 1 f
junco 7
swallow sp: 2, I think N rough-winged

good day!

Steve Perry

Receptor Biology Lab, Duke Uni Med Center, Durham, NC
