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South Carolina birds

The SCAN (South Carolina Association of Naturalists)group and we saw or
heard the following birds while on a field trip to Cartwheel Bay
Heritage Reserve in Horry County, South Carolina )4/27:

Wood Thrush 1
Chimney Swifts 2
Yellow Chat 1
Ovenbirds 2
Arcadian Flycatchers 3
Tufted Titmouses 6
Carolina Wrens 4
Worm eating Warbler 1
Swainson Warblers 2
Great Crested Flycatchers 4
Eastern Wood Pewees 4
Pine warblers 4
Prairie Warblers 6
Summer Tanagers 4 including  a female
Bob Whites which we inadvertantly flushed from a hiding place in the
heavy undergrowth of the bay  3
American Redstarts 2
Red eyed Vireos 4
Hooded Warblers 2
Yellow Warblers 2
Indigo Bunting 2
Northern Parula 4

On 4/28 Jane and I went to Lee State Natural Area in Lee County and saw
the following:
Prothonotary Warbler 2
Louisiana Waterthrush 1
Eastern Wood Pewee 3
American Redstart  2 heard
numerous Titmouses  heard
Wood Duck 1
Summer Tanager saw 1 heard 2
Northern Parula  5
Carolina Wren 2
Great Crested Flycatcher 1
At Woods Bay State Park in Sumter County on 4/28 we observed the
following in the afternoon:

Yellow Throated Warbler 1
Black and White Warbler 1
Swainson's Warbler 1 heard
Hooded Warblers 3 of which one was busy collecting Spanish Moss for nest
Red Tailed Hawk 1 heard
We believe we flushed a Great Horned Owl from the under brush but only
saw the rear of a very large bird that didn't take off like a hawk.
Northern Parula  2

Jules and Jane Fraytet
Charlotte, NC