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mainland Dare/Hyde finds

Yesterday (4/29) I birded some spots in the mainland part of Dare and Hyde 
Counties, NC.  I spent about 1 hour and 40 minutes on Maple Rd., described on 
pp. 99-100 of Fussell.  Found the following.
       White-eyed Vireo: saw 1
       Northern Parula: heard 2
       Black-throated Green Warbler: saw 2, heard 3 more
       Yellow-throated Warbler: saw 2, heard 1 more
       Prairie Warbler: saw at least 2, heard several more
       Black-and-white Warbler: saw 1
       Prothonotary Warbler: saw 4 or 5, heard numerous others
       Swainson's Warbler: heard 4
       Common Yellowthroat: saw 2
       Red-bellied Water Snake: 1
       Eastern King Snake: 1
On the way back to Engelhard, in Hyde County, I saw a lone Tundra Swan in a 
field about 5 miles north of Engelhard.  Presumably it was injured or sick.  
I imagine it's pretty bewildered without all its flockmates, and who knows 
whether it'll survive very long, but it does drive home the point that, in 
nature, individuals are expendible.  Across the same field and closer to the 
road was a Cattle Egret.
       No great excitement otherwise.  R-t Hummers are swarming the feeders 
at the Hotel Engelhard.  Also had great looks at two Glossy Ibises at 
Mattamuskeet NWR--the sun was hitting them just right and the green on the 
wings (or is that the scapulars?) was showing.

Erik Thomas
Johnston Co., NC 