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more Duke Garden migrants

The variety of migrants in Duke Gardens continues to impress with 
a Yellow Warbler yesterday and a Blue-winged Warbler today. 
Supporting cast included Ovenbird, Black-and-White Warbler, 
American Redstart, Scarlet Tanager and Eastern Wood-Pewee. 
The latter is actually the most interesting to me as I have seen an 
Eastern Wood-Pewee at about this time in Duke Gardens for the 
last four years and it is always in the same patch of trees. As small 
passerines are thought to memorise their migration routes I can't 
help wondering whether it is the same bird each year.

Jim Bloor, Ph.D

Department of Biology
Developmental, Cell and Molecular Biology 
B330 LSRC Building
Duke University
Research Drive
Durham, NC 27708-1000

Tel.      (919) 613-8150
Fax.     (919) 613-8177
email  jwbloor@duke.edu