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my comment and points to consider

Folks who interpreted my ending comment to Mike as a light-hearted joke on
my part are in the right frame of mind as far as what I meant with it in
terms of the post. 

For those who don't like to discuss politics (as they relate to any topic),
allow me to make a couple of points:

1) I think the recently debated ANWR drilling issue serves as evidence that
there is a strong dichotomy between the two major political entities in this
country with respect to how they view and handle natural resource issues and
would of course include birds

2) I will hold conservative birders accountable when the last Cerulean
Warbler, Golden-winged Warbler, and Piping Plover disappear just as I will
hold conservative hunters/falconers accountable when the last wild
populations of Bobwhite (almost the case now) and Sage Grouse are

3) If birders, falconers, and hunters (Yes I realize that this is a birding
forum) can't or won't meaningfully discuss politics as they pertain to avian
conservation issues then the future is anything but bright. 

4) I have observed Will to state that Carolinabirds is for the discussion of
topics pertaining to birds and birding in the Carolinas. As politics
ultimately affect birds and their future, I don't see why it wouldn't be
appropriate to have deep, thought-provoking discussions on this forum if one
chose to. As Will is the owner/moderator, perhaps he could give us his
perspective on the subject. 

5) Why do we need "thought police" when we have what's called a delete


Eric Harrold
Charlotte, NC