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White Rumped Sandpiper

While doing a big day at Fort Fisher-Southport-Green Swamp yesterday I
came across a White Rumped Sandpiper. It was by itself in a brackish
arm of the Hermit Creek at Fort Fisher Spit. THe time was about 8:40
am. THe bird held its wings drooping slightly and so the white rump
was quite plainly visible. This was, for me, a lifer and since I
notice that  John Fussel mentions them as being quite uncommon away
from The Outer Banks, I thought I would write in.

THe bid day, incidentally, yielded 88 species and I am thinking of
writing in a narrative of it and sending it on to Carolinabirds
(though I may already have stolen my own thunder by reporting the
White Rump).

Shantanu Phukan


Assistant Professor of Indian Literature, Urdu and Hindi
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill