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Mississippi Kite, Black Rails

	Birded all day Saturday, deciding to count species. Birded the Alligator
Refuge, Palmetto Peartree Preserve (P3), Pea Island, and all points in
between. In spite of several glaring misses (Great Blue Heron, Rock Dove,
Red-tailed Hawk, two terns, dowitchers, etc) I mananged to get 118 species.
Highlights were 2 Black Rails (no, not seen) in the Roanoke Marshes, a
Mississippi Kite on the P3, breeding Tree Swallows, Common Loon, all 7
breeding woodpeckers and 14 breeding warblers. On monday I added a
Red-breasted Merganser to bump my weekend total to 121.
		Jeff Lewis
		Manteo, NC