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Re: whips, bobwhites

On 27 May 2002, at 16:35, Kristine Cox wrote:

> I believe I have Bob Whites, Whip-poor-wills and Chuck-will's widows
> living in the woods and brush within a few feet of my house and close
> to the driveway.  Please elaborate a bit on how you "scare them up". 
> I hear them but have never seen one.  Thanks for any tips.  Kris Cox,
> Beaufort

Well, probably a poor choice of words on my part.  For the whips, 
OHVF road is pretty thick with them, so I just sit and listen.  For 
those who'd like to see them, I think the tried and true strategy is 
to drive slowly down a gravel road in an area where they are calling -
 they are known to sit in roads, and you can pick them up by the 
reflection of your headlights in their eyes.  I was able to find one 
and get my handheld spotlight on him for a few seconds before he 
flew up into a tree.

I, personally, almost always hear Bobwhites rather than see them.  
Last time I actually saw one was four years ago at the Santee 
Coastal Reserve.  I did call the one up this weekend by whistling 
his call and letting him respond, but, again, no looks, just listens.


Sandy Cash
Durham, NC