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coast birding

This past week my family and I went down over to the Corolla/Currituck beach. 
 There was a trail that went along the sound and I walked along it many 
mornings and evenings.  One evening while walking along the sound I spotted 
two deer (one doe, one buck) and as I followed them quietly into the trees, a 
Chuck-will's Widow flew only 6 feet in front of me.  The family that walked 
past me must have scared it from its root.  I got a great look at it, and it 
was a life bird too!!!  Later in the week my dad drove me, b/c it is still 
one 8 months until I get my license, down to Pea Island to see what all was 
going on down there.  There was a bird walk that was being led that had 
started only a couple of minutes before so we caught up to them and walked on 
the short trail.  Highlights for me had to have been: yellowlegs (greater and 
lesser) they stood side by side so we could see the difference, black 
skimmers, marsh wren, and seaside sparrow.  I also went out deep sea fishing 
and saw Wilson's Storm-petrel and Cory's shearwater (both life birds for me). 
 We went looking, briefly, for the white-faced ibis but we only saw the 
glossy ibis, which was another lifer!!! Yeah!!!  In all I got 14 life birds, 
and these were the birds I saw, both up at Corolla/Currituck, down at Pea 
Island NWR and out deep sea fishing:
Blackbird, Red-winged
Cardinal, Northern
Catbird, Gray
Chickadee, Carolina
Cormorant, Double-crested
Cowbird, Brown-headed
Crow, American
Crow, Fish
Dove, Mourning
Dove, Rock
Duck, American Black
Egret, Great
Egret, Snowy
Finch, House
Flicker, Northern
Flycatcher, Great-crested
Goose, Canada
Grackle, Boat-tailed
Gull, Great Black-backed
Gull, Herring
Gull, Laughing
Heron, Black-crowned Night-
Heron, Great Blue
Heron, Green
Heron, Little-blue
Heron, Tricolored
Ibis, Glossy
Ibis, White
Jay, Blue
Kingbird, Eastern
Kingfisher, Belted
Martin, Purple
Mockingbird, Northern
Oriole, Orchard
Pelican, Brown
Petrel, Wilson's Storm-
Plover, Wilson's
Sandpiper, Least
Shearwater, Cory's
Skimmer, Black
Sparrow, Seaside
Sparrow, Song
Starling, European
Swallow, Barn
Tern, Caspian
Tern, Common
Tern, Forster's
Tern, Least
Tern, Royal
Thrasher, Brown
Towhee, Eastern
Warbler, Prothonotary
Widow, Chuck-Will's
Wren, Carolina
Wren, Marsh
Yellowlegs, Greater
Yellowlegs, Lesser
Yellowthroat, Common

Nice birding!

Jeff Turner
Pfafftown, NC 
(just outside Winston-Salem)