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RE: substitute tripod

 I have an adjustable shoulder stock made of a very heavy plastic which I
sometimes use with a light weight scope. It's designed for cameras also and
even has a button which can be hooked up to trigger a shutter release. Got
it years ago from a mail order outfit called Orion Optics, which caters
mainly to astronomers. I've fallen off their mailing list and don't know if
they still carry it.

Dan Kaplan

> [Original Message]
> From: R. O. Bierregaard, Jr. <rbierreg@email.uncc.edu>
> To: <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
 > Date: 7/16/2002 8:38:24 AM
> Subject: substitute tripod
> Cecille Leopard posted this query to the list:
> Dear CarolinaBirders,
> I frequently take pictures of birds.  It is sometimes
> inconvenient for me to take a tripod to use when I want
> to use a telephoto lenses.
> At one time, I saw an advertisement somewhere for a
> gadget that would mount to the camera and rest on the
> chest.  That would be much easier for me.  Doesn't
> anyone have any knowledge of such a gadget.  I checked
> around on the internet and didn't find anything.  Also,
> checked Outdoor Photographer.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> --
> I don't know about a chest-brace arrangement, but another nifty 
> substitute for a tripod is to attach a 4' section of very light chain 
> to a bolt that will screw into the tripod mount on your camera (or 
> lens). (Most lens mounts are a very standard size and thread--easy to 
> find the right bolt at your local hardware store.) Let the chain hang 
> down to the ground and put a foot on it. Then pull the camera up 
> against the chain. It's remarkable how steadily you can hold your 
> camera. If you can prop yourself against a tree as well, you can get 
> very good results. My guess is that this will be a lot cheaper, more 
> convenient, and keep your camera steadier than propping it against 
> your chest.
> -- 
> Rob Bierregaard
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