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Caw Caw Park birdwalks

The following are highlights of the morning birdwalks at Charleston County's
Caw Caw Park in Ravenel, SC led by Perry Nugent every Wednesday and Saturday
at 8:30 am. July 20, 2002.  60 species seen and/or heard. The most
interesting were; 6 Mottled Ducks, 2 Mississippi Kites, 1 Greater
Yellowlegs, 3 Solitary Sandpipers, 1 Spotted Sandpiper, 20 Least Sandpipers,
30 Pectoral Sandpipers, 2 Yellow-billed Cuckoos, 1 Belted Kingfisher, 3
Northern Rough-winged Swallows, 12 Blue-gray Gnatcatchers ( parents are
still feeding 2 small babies ), 75 Eastern Bluebirds ( many fledglings ), 1
Yellow-throated Vireo, 1 Louisiana Waterthrush, 4 Blue Grosbeaks, 5 Indigo
Buntings, 4 Painted Buntings, and 3 Orchard Orioles.