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young hummer

Dear Carolina Birders,

I recently wrote of the wonderful antics of my young cardinals. Well, I 
think I have something to top them. I was walking out to my wildflower 
garden to look at butterflies when I heard a hummer. I automatically froze, 
as I always do when I hear or see a bird. Suddenly the hummer zoomed right 
up to my pink nylon shorts. I've been inspected by hummingbirds before, but 
only for an instant. However, this little fellow was determined to get 
nectar from my shorts! He (or she) circled completely around me several 
times. I could feel the breeze from its wings and see the tiny toungue 
probing my shorts -- a ticklish but delightful sensation! Tuckered out from 
a fruitless endeavor, it landed on the bark of a pine tree, inches from my 
face! I could even see some of the buffy coloration on its head, typical of 
an immature rubythroat. Panting and blinking for a moment or so, he finally 
regained his strength and flew off in search of better flowers. What a great 


Leah Campbell
Cornwell, SC

"In order to see birds, it is necessary to become a part of the silence."  
Robert Lynd

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