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I was down at Topsail Beach last weekend for a few days. While we were
there, some friends and I took a walk down the beach looking at the
terns, gulls, sanderlings, etc. Once i looked up and saw a largish white
bird (similar to larger terns we saw) with very long tail feathers fly
over. I could not retrieve my binoculars from a friend in time to sight
it in! Looking through Sibley, i cannot find anything but a tropicbird
with tail feathers that long and of that size. Any idea on species, or
other bird it may have been? I am unfamiliar with their occurrence along
the NC coast. I saw no distinctive markings underneath, though i was a
bit sun-blinded.

Thanks for any info!
Dave Hewitt
Raleigh, NC
Dave Hewitt
North Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Zoology Department
Campus Box 7617
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC  27695
email: dave_hewitt@ncsu.edu