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Fw: kites

please delete "woodstork" from this report
and add summer tanager & RTHB for this location.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Willem van Eck" <wvaneck@mindspring.com>
To: <carolinabirds@duke.com>
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2003 11:47 AM
Subject: kites

> Our Sunday hunt for kites paid off. Distant sightings of
> MK just east of the NC11 bridge over the CapeFear
> whet our appetite. We then parked ourselves for several 
> hours at the LockOne picnic tables and watched 4-7pm.
> (Current seemed too swift for comfortable kayaking)
> In that time period we saw:(sunny&hot,20% cumuli&cirri)
> MKite         -several sightings flying close to treetops
> SKite          - one sighting of a pair in high overflight
> TVulture      -at least 6
> BVulture      - at least 3
> WIbis          -one plus four flying high downstream
> WoodStork  -one flying high downstream
> Anhinga        -one circling several times
> GrEgret         -several flying both directions
> GBH             -one in flight
> others seen/heard nearby:
> orchard oriole
> red-eyed vireo
> kingfisher
> crested flycatcher
> bluebird
> chipping sparrow
> bobwhite
> barn swallow
> chimney swift
> purple martin
> GH owl
> mockingbird
> but no prothonataries w/i hearing distance
> Willem&Ngaire van Eck
> Cary NC 919/380-1202