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Ireland's birds

Back from vacation and wondering how the post Floyd birding and fall
migration have been. We took our binocs but no scopes to Ireland and birded
only as the opportunity arose. Yet, we still had 75 species in 20 days, 35
of which were lifers.  On Cape Clear Island we met three Swedish birders,
but otherwise saw no others.  The most common land birds were Robin and
Hooded Crow. The most common shorebirds were Oystercatchers, Long-Billed
Curlews, Greenshanks, and Redshanks! We missed many of the common birds, as
we spent most of our time on the west, north, and south coasts. Red Admiral
was the most common butterfly.

Came back to a new yardbird on Oct. 1 - Kentucky warbler. Isn't that late
for this species? Had a hummer Oct. 3. Maybe putting out the feeders will
attract more this weekend.

Would love to receive a synopsis of what we missed around here while gone.
And suggestions for a good fall birding spot in the Triangle this weekend.

Gail Lankford