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Blue-throated Warbler at the Door :)

Well, maybe the front-door birds *are* the best, after all.  (Fortunately, 
none of them have been hurt by their encounters with the glass door.)

Last spring, it was a Bobwhite, to my amazement.  This morning, it was a male 
Black-Throated Blue Warbler who bounced off the door, then rested briefly on 
a nearby railing.

Interestingly, the only dead bird that I've found near the house (thus a 
likely victim of window-crashing) was a female Ruby-Throated Hummingbird.  I 
guess her maneuvering skills were outweighed by her "territorial defense" 
instincts.  (It was also late enough in the season for her to have been a 
first-year female.)

Anne Lurie
NE Raleigh