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Calling Great Horneds

Well, the new year is getting off to a good start...

This morning at about 5, I heard a faint sound, not sure of what it was,
but the tempo and sequencing sounded remarkably like an owl...I was
unsure, given that I was hearing the sound through the hermetically
sealed encapsulation that is the modern house...so I went outside, and
it was *two* Great Horned Owls calling to each other, one of which
seemed to be in a stand of pines just across the street!

I woke Nidhi up and opened the window so she could hear - it was quite
loud, you could hear it through the closed window, but obviously it was
much clearer with it open.  It was very beautiful.  They called for a
few more minutes, then quieted down.

That's the way I like to start my day...

Happy Birding!


Sandy Cash
Durham, NC (recently moved)