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Pacific-slope Flycatcher, 10:30am

Dear C-birds--

With a home made map provided to me by Norm Budnitz (Thank you), I took off
for the Big Woods Road spot in search of the PSFlycatcher today.  I got
there at about 9:30 and walked around, but did not see much.  To make a long
story short, while checking for crossbills a few miles down, Lex Glover and
Jeff Pippen pulled up. I followed them back to the spot where they had seen
the flycatcher earlier in the morning.  No luck, just carolina wrens, hermit
thrushes and a taunting ruby-crowned kinglet.  Just as we were turning back
towards the cars at about 10:30, I spotted the yellow front of the
flycatcher on the other side of the road from the pull-off.  I was surprised
by how bright green and yellow it was.  It behaved just as it was described
in previous e-mails by staying pretty low and flycatching off the ground,
returning to low perches.  Then it flew across the road and worked its way
up to and past the posts and cable.  It gave us all great looks, especially
through Jeff's scope.

Good birding!

Dan Lebbin
Durham, NC