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Re: Aren't AOU splits fun?!

I must agree with the two points made in Harry's post.  I had a couple of
thoughts I wanted to put out there for all to consider.  After all, if you are
in a situation like me (up to my ears in snow), you have plenty of time to

One question I thought of, if the COFL occasionally makes a call like a PSFL,
has anyone heard a PSFL call like a COFL.  In other words, while a COFL might
sound like a PSFL, would a PSFL ever sound like a COFL?  I don't know if this
will help in our situation, but it might be interesting to know.

Also, if the bird in question WAS a COFL would it not be expected to respond to
a COFL tape?  It seems that if the bird was a COFL masquerading as a PSFL then
it would at least respond to a COFL call as well as a PSFL.  It seems that this
bird really thinks it is a PSFL. (and it would know right? :-)

And, if a COFL can and sometimes does make a call like a PSFL, would it ONLY
make this call?  Seems likely that the bi-lingual COFL would also make it's
"own" call in addition to the PSFL's.  Maybe some of our friends to the west can
help us here.

One other thought I had.  The COFL appears to be a higher altitude breeder, only
rarely found in the lowlands while the PSFL is more commonly found in deciduous
groves at lower elevations (Not sure if this is true, just read a blurb in the
Nat Geo book)  Do the two types choose different wintering grounds?  If they do
can we make any sort of conclusion based on the habitat that bird chose in NC?
Maybe not, but a thought.

Anyone know where I can rent a snowplow :-)

Steve Shultz
(private responses may be made to tropicbird@juno.com as I don't know when I'll
be back at the office!)
Cary, NC
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