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boone redpoll

     Sorry for the blank message.  So hear are more details on the common 
redpoll.  I hope ths message answers all the questions.
     I identified this bird as a female.  She was feeding on black oil 
sunflower with goldfinches, purple finches, c. chickadeess, t. titmice, 
white-breasted nuthatches, dark-eyedjuncos and mourning dove.  That is the 
only seed that I use.
  I spotted her at my farthest feeder with an obstructed view of her head.  
The streaked flanks and lack of color led me to believe that this was a song 
sparrow.  This drew my attention, because I normally dont get songs.  Then 
at about the same time that I noticed too much fork in the tail for a 
sparrow, she flushed to a nearby chestnut shoot.  In seconds she returned to 
a closer feeder (about 9 ft. from me) revealing no spot in the center of the 
breast, and most importantly, a red cap.  So certainly not a song sparrow! 
The only other species that I can think of that a common redpoll would be 
confused with here at this time of year are purple and house finches.  This 
bird had zero coloration on the rump/uppertail coverts nor breast.  She hung 
out for approximately 4-5 minutes.
     I am rarely at home after the sun rises. I just keep the feeders full.  
Friday mornig will be my next chance to watch the feeders, and I will with 
camera.  I'll send a message after that.
     As for any visitors, I would love to supply sightings for everyone, BUT 
my driveway is a long, steep, north slope, snow/ice packed disaster right 
now.  Its only possibly passible with 4*4, chains and luck.  I would want to 
verify that this bird is actually hanging out, and I would want the weather 
(path) to clear some before I allowed any one to drive any distance check it 
     I will be in touch.
                               Jason Bulluck

Humanity is exalted not because we are so far above other living creatures, 
but because knowing them well elevates the very concept of life.    Edward 
O. Wilson

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