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many Woodcock, few ducks

Today marks the end of the second consecutive month of Woodcock displays
around our house.  Interestingly the birds are now displaying from
locations within the neighborhood, previously the displays occurred on
common land at the edge of the development.  Don't know if the rains have
flooded prime areas and moved the birds, or if we just have a slew of
birds, or what.  I've also noted the December flights appeared to be more
vigorous than the Jan and Feb flights.  In December it was not too
unusual to see multiple birds in the sky or to see flights broken off as
another bird chased the displayer down.  We have not seen as much flying
lately, but seem to be hearing more peenting for longer periods of time. 
Not sure if this means anything or not.  We'll have to compare notes with
next year's activity and see if any trends pop out!

I have not seen much in the way of ducks in the area lately.  Not sure if
the ducks left after the ponds froze over or if they are hanging out in a
place I've not checked.  The lower West Lake Pond only had about half a
dozen Ring-necks this evening.

If anyone is headed for southern Nevada in the near future and needs bird
info, please drop me a line.  I can point you towards pretty reliable
spots for Costa's Hummingbird, Ross's Goose, Clark's & Western Grebe,
Vermilion FC, and Dipper among others.  We spent most of last week in Las
Vegas and picked up a few feathered jackpots along the way.

Steve Shultz
Cary, NC
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