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Re: Triangle (NC) bird checklist - new version out

I made one more change to the checklist -- Rufous-sided Towhee to Eastern 
Towhee.  Please let me know if you find any other errors.

If you're wondering why Raleigh is not included in the checklist, it's 

(1a) Raleigh is at the edge of the range of several wintering species that 
generally don't make it further west, for example Fish Crow and Orange-
crowned Warbler;  (1b) wintering ducks are much more frequent in Raleigh;
(2) there already was a checklist for Raleigh. I believe it's by Bob Hader 
and Tom Quay.  I have no idea whether this is available nowadays.

The Falls Lake area of northern Wake is included in the checklist because 
(1) the species found there are much more similar to those at Jordan than at 
other Wake County lakes and (2) Sighting reports from Falls Lake published 
in the Chat usually don't specify which county they were in.

Once again, the URL for the new version is:


Charles W. "Will" Cook                w 919-660-7423
cwcook@duke.edu                       h 919-967-5446
Duke University Botany Dept., Durham, North Carolina