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Sleeping Junco, sniffing dog

I look out the window, and I see a still Junco at the suet.  I
watched for a moment and realized that the bird is just standing
there, doing nothing at all.  Other birds are coming and going
to the suet but this Junco does nothing, his bill is IN the suet.
I can't take it anymore, and neither can the dog (Virgo), she is in her
usual spot watching the birds from the corner of the porch.  She
gets up and all but the Junco bail.  Virgo expects her movements to
result in all birds flying to nearby perches until she gets far enough
away not to be a threat.  Since the balance of power is upset by the
remaining Junco, Virgo investigates.  She gets nose to head with the
Junco and the Junco leaps to flight... as Virgo leaps, almost to flight, the
other way.  

I guess you had to be there for that to really be humorous, but
my question is what was the Junco doing?  Surely it wouldn't have "fallen
asleep" at the feeder with other birds coming and going??

The suet is not in a cage, it is a one gallon size of homemade suet on a 
piece of wood that the local birds love.  Any ideas?  

Mike McKeon
Raleigh, NC