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Savannah River NWR

My wife and I stopped at the Savannah River NWR, spending most of our time
on the loop drive.  We identified 30 species of birds.   Here are the
    blue-winged teal
    green-winged teal
    northern shoveler
    a lone mallard
    red-tailed hawks (many)
    northern harrier
    g-b herons
    tricolored heron
    little blue herons
    great egrets
    snowy egrets
    white ibis
    glossy ibis
    savannah sparrow (a long look in excellent light)

We also saw two sandpipers that we were unable to id.  One was about the
size and configuration of a lesser yellowlegs, but I was unable to
determine leg color.   They were a long way off, even for my scope.  The
other was smaller, possibly the size of a solitary or a spotted sandpiper
(no--it didn't teeter).   Both were feeding sandpiper-style, not
dowitcher-style.  Both had straight, thin bills of moderate length and both
were in winter plumage, pale gray above and whitish below.


Robert C. Perkins, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Methodist College, Fayetteville, NC 28311
910-630-7037     rperkins@methodist.edu