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New Rd. in Conway

Hi y'all,
    Took a quick trip down New Rd. in Conway this a.m. to look specifically
for Yellow-throated Warbler. Got 'em singing away, at least 2 inds.
    Also saw a Cooper's Hawk carrying a small bird in its talons westward
toward a fairly dense tree stand. Approx. 5 minutes later, observed the bird
flying back in the opposite direction. Feeding kids?
    Other observations for the hour I was there:
Am. Kestrel - 1
Red-tail - 1
TV - 2
RCKI - many
GCKI - 1
Yellow-rumps - many
Pine W. - 2
E. Phoebe - 2
C. Wren - 2 (foraging together and calling)
Red-bellied Wp. - 1
Downy Wp. - 1
Pileated Wp. - 2 (m & f)
Titmouse - 3 (or 30; they were all over looking for Pete)
C. Chickadee - 4
N. Cardinal - 2

And 6 Yellow Sliders literally piled on each other catching some rays on the
ditchbank. Also a couple of damselflies of some sort.


Gary Phillips
Conway, SC
 Zone 8
"A dog might as well speculate on the mind of Newton." (Darwin)