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Rough-Legged Hawk

    Here in Ashe Co., Pond Mt (4500 ft.) forms the western border of the
county with eastern Tennessee. Yesterday, while working at the top in an
apple orchard  for an out-of-state landowner, my wife and I were privileged
to see a Rough-Legged Hawk at very close range.
    We first saw it sitting in a stunted Hawthorn about 100 ft. away. It
flew up and directly overhead about 30 ft. above us. The black "wrists" and
belly were clearly visible and as it turned away, the large white band on
the tail was quite distinct.
    The top of Pond Mt. is a vast grassy bald, almost tundra-like in
appearance; the perfect habitat to find a Rough-Legged. I was quite thrilled
as this was a lifer for me. I have seen what I suspected were Rough-Legged
Hawks before, but could never see enough details to be absolutely sure. It
was especially pleasing to see one here in the High Country after reading so
many accounts of the birds being spotted on the coast. Once in a while you
can get lucky.
                                            Ron & Suzanne Joyner
                                            Big Horse Creek Farm