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Henderson County Venture Update


Despite the cool and rather wet start to the day, our Venture to various
locations within Henderson County went rather well, although our planned
outdoor picnic was moved indoors.  However, who could complain about being
warm and dry and the never-ending supply of hot Earl Grey tea!!! We visited
Hooper Lane and environs, Lakes Julian & Osceola, and Jackson Park.

Highlights were:
Short-eared Owl 2
Lapland Longspur 3 (mainly fly-over views)
American Pipit 200+ (excellent views)
Northern Harrier 2
Ruddy Duck 5
Gadwall 1 pr
Common Snipe 50+
Rusty Blackbird 25+

The full birdlist will soon be up our web-site after 12 March.
Our next Ventures day trip is April 29, when we study warblers and other
spring migrants at Stecoah Gap. For full details on all of the Ventures,
plus directions to WNC birding locations, please check out our web-site.

Simon Thompson
Ventures, Inc. Birding & Natural History Tours
PO Box 1095, Skyland, NC 28776
Phone/Fax: 828.859.0382