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Nesting Great Blue Herons @ Greenview

Dear Birders,

We have now two great blue heron nests at Greenview Pond.  Yesterday morning
I saw six herons in the trees around the beaver pond.  Perhaps they'll build
even more.  If you'd like to see some herons building nests, you should
definitely check it out.

We also have a pair of tundra swans on Greenview with 6-8 more over at Lake
Wheeler.  Recently I've also seen a big cooper's hawk, three hooded
mergansers, lots of green-winged teal, wood ducks, our resident redtails,
white throated sparrows, meadowlarks, bluebirds, lots of killdeer...  I was
hearing woodcock but haven't been hearing them lately.

I built a ground feeding station out of scrap lumber a few weeks ago and the
sparrows and cardinals really like it.

We also have a working beaver lodge and the beavers frequently snooze on the
roof during the morning. (I hope they don't take out my fruit trees!)

The Museum of Natural Sciences recently erected four "post" bat houses - a
new design that is claimed to get 80% occupancy.  They also make a great

Happy birding!

- John Argentati
Raleigh, NC