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The Red-breasted Nuthatch that I haven't seen in weeks was back at my peanut 
feeder this AM numerous times.
Also had the first male Cowbird on the ground under the feeders.
Lastly, had a bird on the small feeder shelf that I put a nut and hulled 
sunflower mix on, and also mealworms at times (did have mealworms this AM).  
Not sure what it was.  Didn't get good enough look before a squirrel tried 
running up the pole (till it ran into the baffle) and the bird flew.  What I 
noticed was that it had a more upright posture, seemed somewhat larger than 
finches and Pine Warbler, and had a dark longer narrow beak, soft yellow on 
throat, small whitish area on sides of neck up to cheeks, dark wings, maybe 
thin wingbars.  Hope it returns so can get a longer look.

Shelley Theye
N. Chatham Cty. NC